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Au revoir 2022 Bonne AnnƩe 2023/Feliz Ano Nuevo

Uncategorized Dec 18, 2022

The clue is in the title. As the World Cup winds down and the big freeze attacks our shores, I write this with measured excitement.

A step back from world frenzy in all directions is a welcome break. The future seems more uncertain than ever. The thing is, you see the future is always uncertain.Period. As Seneca said, each new day is a new life; each day is a lifetime: - let's use it well.

This year has provided a new burst of energy that I did not see coming. The first quarter I needed much healing. The second, I was in a lull. The third quarter I was more energised and the last quarter revealed a little magic. Surrendering to our core, a silent conversation with oneself and lessening the 'noise' has been a profitable move. 

2022 has been very generous and I am grateful.  It made me  recognise neglecting my creativity is like neglecting my heart. I have a responsibility. Every year I choose a word to guide me - this year it was self-nurture. The years before were 'acceptance'. 2023 I choose 'embrace'. I suffered from imposter syndrome for many years and I share this because I know someone reading this will resonate with that. It is a common feeling. I don't anymore because if I am not an artist, I cease to be. Let's abandon all the roles we play and let's just embrace who we are - let's just be.

There is a reason when you receive a letter from me after signing up for a course, it is addressed Dear Artist from now on. Because like a mantra I mean to convince you, you are already creating works of art, you are not a student. Start practising ditching the imposter syndrome.  Sometimes if you can't draw, then read, if you can't read then just sit in your studio or safe space and reflect. The creativity will come.

So the news so far? I look back to see to my delight, five courses have been delivered, two in person; I started a local art mentoring group  and I will deliver the first in person course for Kidometry. 2022 ended with a surprise invitation to work on a royal commission. More to be revealed in 2023.

Talking of 2023  I attach a link to the new course in January about patterns present in the Prophets' Mosques. course link. Please share This is a major piece of work that requires a lot of insight. As I worked on this for TMT/ITHRA, I was privy to and fortunate enough to access a library of rare images and research that I am now putting into this course. Did you know that very little actually exists on the records and pattern designs in the to Holy Sanctuaries, Mecca and Medina? I'm honoured to present this as a fine curated art history and drawing course. Payment plans are available if needed. It is a course that touches on sacredness of  monuments, houses of worship and the patterns that adorn these blessed places.

Another course in January - Colour Harmony to invigorate you after the holidays

Join us!

Also coming soon are courses on Gilded Letters, some exciting news about the direction TAO is going.We also launched our competition where two winners were announced: Minah Khan and Imtiaz Ahmed- Congratulations to them both. Your prints are on their way to you. There are more exciting competitions in the new year and some great offers to our loyal subscribers.

Whilst I work on my unfinished paintings this winter, I will bow out 2022 with gratitude to Allah and with thanks to you. Below is a mesmerising  conception "The Iron Genie by polymath artist  Anita Chowdhry - her harmonograph - watch and enjoy. Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year!



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